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Visit Lyn's Bench

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Nothing brought Lyn more joy than being "Grammy" to her many grandchildren.  Whether cradling the newborns to sleep, setting up arts & crafts for the older kids, or designing raucous outdoor activities for all, Lyn never missed an opportunity to be part of her grandkids' lives and to express her love for them.  As a fitting and permanent memorial to her, we thought it would be appropriate to surround her, forever, with the shouts and laughter of children playing—the sounds that swelled her heart in life.  And so the family dedicated a bench to Lyn at DeMun Park in St. Louis, affectionately known to us as "Papaw's Park" after our grandpa Papaw (Tony's dad) who lived just a stone's throw away.  


The bench is a memorial from the family and no donations to Follow Lyn's Footsteps will go towards it.  All are welcome to visit the bench and, if so inspired, maybe you will take a moment sitting there to reflect on a cherished memory of Lyn, or to share a memory of Lyn with your own kids, or to simply be present there in peace and silence with her.  The bench is for all to share and, in that spirit, we would love if you shared any pictures of your visits to the bench.  With your permission, we will even post those photos here as a living testament to the happiness Lyn still brings to family and friends, even today.  



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Bea the Dog & Friends
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